Derek McGuire Summer School- The Still life and beyond
11th, 12th and 13th July 2016
10 -4 pm
This weekend is for anyone interested in developing their work and we will use the still life subject as a point of reference. We will look at how artists have used compositional devices in creating different kinds of painted space. As the group will be small there will be lots of time to focus on a tailored approach to you as an individual painter with unique concerns.
Over the two days we will hope to enhance your personal ideas about painting by tuning in to the intimacy of the still life process. It would be helpful to bring any sketchbooks and other visual research you have to open up your subject matter beyond your still life and stimulus once you get your confidence going with some new approaches and paining media.
Acrylic or oil paints will be ideal. Bring what you have with you and I have some materials that I can provide.
I will provide many materials both for demonstration and to augment your palette of colours.
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